Our Team

Bora Yazıcıoğlu, LL.M.
Managing Partner
Arda Kilci
Legal Intern
Aslı Rabia Savaş, LL.M.
Senior Associate
Barış Aslan
Legal Intern
Dilara Utku
Legal Intern
Ferat Gümüş
Legal Intern
Gizem Nur Çay
Hira Hergenç
Legal Intern
Hüsnü Emre Öntekin
Işıl Çelik, LL.M.
Senior Associate
İbrahim Yıldırım
Kübra İslamoğlu Bayer, LL.M.
Managing Associate
Mehmet Yiğit Aktimur
Sevgül Bıçakçı
Administrative Affairs Coordinator
Simge Yüce, LL.M.
Senior Associate
Yağmur Yaren Özdabakoğlu

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